New Year - Get In Shape

Did you know that 92% of people who make New Year's Resolutions won't keep them? Most people are simply not ready for the change or lack the support system necessary to build new and better habits.

One of the reasons jiu-jitsu is the perfect New Year's Resolution is the support system built into the martial art. Yes, you will get into shape. Yes, you will lose weight. Yes, you will learn how to defend yourself. But just as important is that you will be surrounded by people who genuinely care about you and are there to encourage you to not give up. Let Team Junqueira be the support you need to accomplish your resolutions. 

Don't be like the 92% who will not honor their resolutions! Stop by our academy or drop us a line to see why getting started with jiu-jitsu is one of the best New Year's Resolutions you can make. As an added bonus, anyone signing up in January will receive a free private lesson with our head instructor, Rodrigo Junqueira.